
SaTT (Smart Advertising Transaction Token) – a blockchain based project that will give users the opportunity to create advertisements or promotions for their products! This is governed by a Smart Contract that lists advertising offers with all data stored securely on the blockchain Ethereum. Smart Contracts establish requirements to participate in campaigns, measure success, and guarantee final remuneration.

SaTT is a token utility that is based on blockchain technology that allows the exchange of ads and viewers. The SaTT is governed by a Smart Contract that includes promotional offers with all data stored securely on Ethereum Blockchain. Smart Contracts establish requirements to participate in campaigns, measure success and guarantee final compensation. Ethereum Blockchain is fast, cost-effective, safe and versatile. This enables fairer distribution of gifts in the Internet transportation market by removing all obstacles caused by centralized intermediaries.

In my opinion it’s good that the project is on the blockchain – that means that SaTT products will be fast, inexpensive, decentralized and safe. A very good feature for users!

How does it work?

Every advertiser using the SaTT Smart Contract can create an ad campaign whose conditions for participation and results will be stored in a blockchain decentralized record. It will be much safer and more comfortable!

The SaTT Smart Contract allows advertisers to publish advertisements based on their performance goals and can track the evolution of their ad campaigns in the interfaces they use such as Google Analytics, Instagram, Facebook Analytics thanks to Oracle module connections that transmit information between Smart Contracts and data sources to determine transaction parameters . Thanks to the block chain, the publisher is guaranteed that the campaign is provided and that it will be paid immediately after compliance with the conditions set by the advertiser or the campaign end date specified in the transaction. After the goal is reached,

The main function for advertisers:

Selecting relevant publishers 

All transactions with the SaTT Smart Contract will only be validated with the following conditions:

So that means advertisers have the power to determine criteria for partner participation in campaigns.

Quantifying advertising campaign results 

On this platform everyone will use the SaTT Smart Contract and will communicate with third party APIs to measure campaign performance and evaluate the number of transactions.

So each advertiser will have the opportunity to choose between third-party applications depending on the purpose and data available.

Build trust, prevent fraud

That means any counterfeiting – it’s impossible! 

The last time this was the most important feature was because there was too much manipulation and counterfeiting on the market!

SaTT ensures the integrity of billing and payment data without the possibility of forgery.

Reducing costs, speeding up transactions 

SaTT promises to make payments immediately as long as the success criteria are met. 

There is also no minimum monthly bill.

A complete and decentralized tool for managing advertising transactions


The traditional and centralized advertising agency business model is based on expensive entry fees and monthly billing for services provided and payment of affiliated commissions can take several months, causing significant and blocked transfer costs if the number of bills is not met.

If a technical failure occurs on a centralized platform, all ad campaigns stop functioning until the incident is resolved and if the network is centrally hacked, hackers can access all accounts in the system.

Saturation costs
Centralized platform
Payment for several months
Lack of transparency

The solution

Thanks to the SaTT Smart Contracts, advertisements and transactions are regulated by autonomous creature modules secured by the blockchain Ethereum. If a module or oracle is damaged, the integrity of other advertiser advertisements is maintained.

Reduced costs

Transaction costs are divided between the encryption module and Oracle according to usage requirements. There is no minimum monthly bill. Competition between Oracle modules guarantees a high level of service and competitive prices, creating savings for the entire advertising industry …


By using SaTT, payments are made as soon as the success criteria are met. Payments are not subject to transfer fees or currency conversion fees.

Chain block

The Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed database that guarantees data integrity and transactions. Thanks to blockchain, advertisers and their campaigns are not connected to each other. As such, they are not all affected by hacking or malfunction.

Blockchain and Tokenized Economy

The SaTT Smart Contract functions decentralized and distributed. The Blockchain contains all the latest offers that allow any API or platform to carry out operations, whether it’s creation as part of adbuilder, view ad directories, or in Oracle, for example, by providing statistics needed to validate and measure transactions. To streamline SaTT, we installed the PayBySaTT feature in our app store and offered SDKs for third party developers so that many exclusive products and events can be paid for at SaTT.

Token information

Token: SaTT
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
Price in ICO: $ 0.4200
Before 100% ICO
Step 1 50%
Step 2 30%
Step 3 20%
Step 4 10%
Tokens sold: 68,000,000
investment information
Accept: ETH, BTC, Fiat
Distributed in ICO: 34%
Softcap: $ 3,360,000
Hardcap: $ 28,560,000





Author : Raditya119

Address : 0xb05e97cCA79F2562D2874c2E4E88EDD73C5eeD33

Profill Link :;u=1840762


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